Relationship Tips | 10 Musts For Love In Your 20s

Being in your 20s is tough, especially if you’re trying to maintain a relationship. Here’s a few relationship tips to keep your partnership strong as you both grow!

Our 20s are a time for self-exploration. We’re still learning a lot about how we tick and trying to find our place in the world. Thus, maintaining a relationship during this important time might be tricky. There are a few relationship tips you should always consider when you want your romance to work out (No, who gets the last slice of pizza is not on the list!). With these ten unspoken laws, you can enjoy growing together without driving one another crazy.

  1. Keep it Behind the Scenes

We live in a world of social media, so of course it’s easy to be tempted to post pictures of you and your partner all of the time. Although a lot of people will be overjoyed to see you happy, no one wants to see your makeout session online every single day. So, keep it short and simple when online and save the good stuff for the two of you to share. This is equally true when it comes to fights. Don’t post your dirty laundry! It affects the way people think of you and your partner and some may even see it as an invitation to swoop in!

  1. Maintain Friendships

Friendships are an important part of life, so why shut everyone out just because you’re in a relationship. It’s important to make time for the people who were there for you before your significant other became part of your life. Try to plan a night out with your inner circle, or have a meal out with some of your friends once a week. You can also integrate your partner into your hang out session occasionally and join in with theirs. This will keep the relationship fresh.

  1. Date Night

Let’s face it, the 20s are filled with go, go, go and not a whole lot of stop. From work and school to hanging with friends or pursuing hobbies, there’s not a whole lot of time left over. So, it might be crucial that you put life on hold once or twice a month to just hang out with the person you love. Try to go out and do something fun, or simply stay in and enjoy a homemade meal. No matter what you choose to do, you should always disconnect from technology and give your partner your full attention. It’ll show how much you care and will help keep the connection between you going strong.

  1. Take Turns Paying

So, it’s a pretty outdated tradition that men have to pay for everything. If there’s a man in your relationship, instead of sticking your partner with the bill every time, try to taking turns paying. This will help keep an even relationship while letting you both spoil one another every now and then. You may find that taking turns actually makes you feel better about date nights and more confident in yourself!

Sunsets while happy couple embraces.

Romantic couple spends time embracing by the sea.

  1. Be Adventurous AND Have Fun

It’s often hard to break the work cycle, but you’re young so find some time to do the things you love. When it comes to a relationship this might mean a little compromise though. Try out one another’s hobbies and check out new things you’ve always wanted to experience. The important thing is having fun together and experiencing the world before you have too many responsibilities!

  1. Be Upfront with Your Expectations

When you’re starting out a relationship with someone it’s important to let them know what you’re looking for straight away. There are a lot of people who are trying to find something long term and a lot who are looking for a more casual relationship. One simple relationship tip is to always let the other person know just how you’re feeling before things get too serious. This will help avoid hurt feelings and will allow the other person to walk away if you’re not on the same page. This honesty can earn you a lot of respect and can also save a whole lot of heart break when you get months into the relationship and realize you’re not going in the same direction.

  1. Don’t Change One Another

Relationships are an important part of our own personal growth, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be ourselves. It also doesn’t mean that your significant other is a project. You like each other for a reason, so always keep that in mind. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with embracing and even falling in love with one another’s flaws. So, keep being you and let your special someone do the same.

  1. Stop Nagging

Did you like your parents nagging you about everything you needed to do? Nah. So, why do it to your partner? The two of you are equals, but you’re also two different people so chances are you’re going to get on one another’s nerves (like that sock that just can’t hit the hamper!). Nagging will totally make these irritants worse though and may even cause unnecessary fights. Instead, talk about your opinion and let the little things go.

Happy couple laugh outdoors.

Young couple get adventurous outside.

  1. Communication is a Must

It’s pretty much set in stone that any and every relationship needs communication to thrive. That being said, make a point to talk to your partner whenever you can. You can even make it part of your routine. Talk about your day, things that are stressing you out, or what goals you want to reach. Of course, let your partner do the same, but make sure to listen. No texting while they’re sharing!

  1. Trust, But Not Blindly

Trust is incredibly important when it comes to a relationship. It’s all too easy to violate trust. All you have to do is hack into a cell phone or social media page and you know everything your significant other could possibly be doing. Try to avoid these things because they’re just problems waiting to happen. You should also consider who you listen to when it comes to your relationship. Some people are out to sabotage, but don’t be entirely blind to a problem if you feel justifiably uneasy about it.

Relationships aren’t easy. There’s a lot of work to put into them in order for them to be successful, which might be harder when you’re in your 20s. However, if you keep in mind these ten things it might help you enjoy your partner a little more each day.

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