Relationship Advice | 11 Ways to Know It’s the Real Deal

Not sure they’re totally committed? Here are 11 bits of relationship advice that will leave you certain!

Sometimes, it’s hard to know if you’re dating “the one” or even if your partner is as committed to you as you are them. Of course, there are the obvious signs that point to a successful relationship, but it’s always the little things that count! That’s why we compiled a list of 11 relationship characteristics of a committed relationship.

1. Couple trips

Taking a vacation with your significant other is a big step!

Taking a vacation with your significant other is a big step!

Vacations are designed to make lasting memories, so when you choose someone to bring along then you want to keep them in your thoughts for quite some time. Also, vacations tend to mean you’re going to spend a few days to a couple of weeks with another person. Taking someone you don’t want to spend every waking moment with doesn’t exactly fit the whole vacation ideal. So, if you’re planning your next vacation together, chances are you’re already pretty committed.

2. You Spend Down Time Together

Sure, it’s great to have alone time as well as time with friends, but at the end of the day, if your partner is the person you prefer to be with, it’s a pretty good sign. It’s an even better sign if they share the same opinion. Time is important and we’re all busy, so investing your free time in someone else means you care a great deal.

3. Loving the Social Media Tags

Showing up on your partner’s social media page is always a good sign. It means they’re proud to have you in their life. Of course, accepting these shout outs is another step. If you and your partner can freely express your relationship in the public eye, then there’s not a lot of be afraid of in regards to either of you being exclusive. So, embrace the relationship status change and post some couple selfies.

4. You Make Big Purchases Together

Romance says yes to the dream car!

Committed couples aren’t afraid to make big purchases together.

Getting into a contract can be easier than you think, but it usually takes a lot of consideration for both parties. Each person that signs the contract must have trust for the other as getting out of it can be incredibly hard–and in some cases, expensive. Whether you’re just getting cell phones together or are going for a big purchase like a car or home, taking this step is a good way to realize your commitment level.

5. Bodily Functions Are Okay

Every couple goes through that stage where bodily functions are something that doesn’t exist. However, when you find yourself talking to your partner about all the gruesome details of your body, then you know you’re in it for the long run. These issues generally make the average person blush and are reserved for the closest of relationships and the doctor’s office. So, think of it as something good whenever this kind of conversation comes up–even when it’s a little gross.

6. Including One Another in Common Purchases

When you stop thinking of your things as mine and theirs, then you’re on to something good. But when you start to include one another in new purchases, then you’re onto something even better. Even if you’re just naturally putting grocery items into the cart that you know your partner loves or purchasing a necklace that makes you think of them, it is a sign that you’re pretty committed to your relationship.

7. Exchanging Keys

Open the relationship by sharing a special key!

Exchanging keys is like unlocking a partner’s heart.

Spending time with one another before you live together is great, but when your partner gives you a key to their apartment or house, the stakes just got bigger. This is a huge sign of trust and commitment and could quickly lead to the next stage: moving in.

8. You Go Out of Your Way for Each Other

If you find yourself doing things for your special someone without even thinking about it, you’ve most likely been bitten by the commitment bug. Doing things that might push you, like eating strange foods or perhaps going an extra mile or two to pick up their dry cleaning, may show you’re more committed than you think. If you two are going out of your way for each other, you might not even need any relationship advice!

9. You Plan Futures Together

Nothing says commitment like thinking about what is in store for your future. If both you and your partner have a 5-or-10-year plan based around one another, you’re in a pretty committed relationship. Of course, if both of you are actually working hard to fulfill that plan then you’re doing outstanding! Working together to create plans and supporting one another to accomplish goals is not only the sign of commitment but also of a healthy and long lasting relationship.

10. Sharing PINs or Passwords

Use your partner's PIN to bring home cupcakes!

If your partner shares their PIN with you, you might be in a committed relationship!

We all like our privacy, but when we openly allow someone into our world, it’s a real sign of trust. Passwords guard our private messages, unlock our contact lists and show our financial information. Sharing a PIN gives instant access to funds. Giving out this information is a huge deal, so don’t take it lightly when your significant other passes on these important digits to you. But be careful! Sharing a password or PIN requires a huge amount of trust. Don’t make yourself vulnerable in an effort to repair a strained relationship. If the relationship isn’t at that level, you could make things worse or put yourself at risk.

11. Decisions Are Made Around One Another

Did you and your partner decide to both do your masters degrees in Boston to be closer together? Are you moving to a new neighborhood that’s right in between both workplaces? Moving to a new city together that is good for both of your careers? If you are making life decisions around each other you must be important to one another. Recognize that as an important step and a sign of mutual commitment.

Of course, it’s up to you to decide what’s working and what isn’t, but if you notice these trends in your relationship, it might be time to start shopping for an engagement ring to keep your partner in your life forever.

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