Thanksgiving Day | Things to Be Thankful for This Holiday

For those of us who live in Canada, Thanksgiving is right around the corner. (Our US readers have a few more weeks to get ready) Can you believe it? On Monday we’ll all be sitting around a table with those we love while the smell of turkey (or tofurkey) and all the fixings wafts into our hearts. This time of year is always great for taking a moment and thinking about all the many things to be thankful for. Personally, I know there are always a few things that I overlook, so I thought I’d make a list and pass it along to you. These won’t apply to everyone—we all have different challenges in life. But pick the ones that do and take a minute to think about how great those things really are!


Friends are the family you get to choose. These amazing characters come into our lives and make it so much better. They know you’re most embarrassing moments, but they also know how to pick you up when you’re feeling down. Life would be very lonely without these individuals!

Role Models

Imagine your life without anyone to look up to? Whether you’re a child or an adult, your life is filled with people who inspire you to challenge yourself and make your dreams a reality. So, take a second and consider them when you’re passing the gravy this holiday.


Okay, so maybe this one in a bit obvious considering the whole Thanksgiving thing! However, how often do we actually sit down and thank our lucky stars for having food on our table? There are so many people in the world—even in Canada—who are food insecure, so if you have plenty to get by, that’s definitely something to be ecstatic about!


Most humans have some degree of mobility, even many differently abled people. If you can get up in the morning and make your way to the coffee maker, be grateful. We often overlook how amazing it is to be able to move. Whether your preferred mode of transport is by foot, bicycle, train, plane, car or scooter, getting where we need to be is important.


We may think that oil makes the world go round, but clean water is so much more important. You can only live a week without water, so every day that you have this refreshing beverage in your reach is a day to be grateful. This year, and every year, there are droughts, water contaminations and people—even in North America—who can’t access clean water, so be grateful if you can just turn on a tap and it’s readily available.


Everyone loves the feeling of having cash in their pockets, so make sure to be thankful for any money you do have. Even if you don’t have much, there are millions who live on less than a dollar a day.


Breathe in. Now, breathe out. Feels good right? Oxygen makes our lives amazing because, well, without it we’d be dead. So, say a quick thank you to this substance that fills our lungs and keeps us going each and every day.

Golden leaves proclaim the autumn months!

Fallen leaves mark the Thanksgiving holiday.


All of that oxygen comes from the trees that make up the world around us. Nature provides us with so many essentials that not only make our lives possible, but also makes it remarkable. When’s the last time you watched a waterfall or marveled at the colors of the falling autumn leaves? Take some time today to remember good ole Mother Nature and the many things to be thankful for in our environment.


We live in a world that is full of unpredictable occurrences, such as fires. Thankfully we have brave women and men who help put out fires, assist in emergencies and get cats out of trees. Often, these people risk their lives to make us safer so it’s important to remember them in our Thanksgiving thoughts.


Although at times they may drive you up a wall, you know they’re going to be around until the end of time. Not everyone is quite so lucky though, so whether your family is big or small you should be thankful to have them in your life.


Many of us try to fight the urge at times, but it’s nice to sit down and enjoy a dessert every now and then. I don’t know about you but I have a huge sweet tooth. So, make a toast to the apple pies, the cheesecakes and that cunning chocolate mousse that you’re going to devour this season!

Getting home is hard work!

Commuters eager to get home from work.


So, work isn’t always something you jump for joy over. But, if you’re employed, it’s important to consider those who can’t find a job. You may not always be happy with your position, your salary or waking up early, but the fact that you have purpose and a paycheck is something to be grateful for.


For some it’s a way of life and for others it’s the only way they make it through the workday. Music is definitely something we should be thankful for. Yes, even when you’re auntie breaks out in a tone deaf rendition of “God Save the Queen” during your celebratory feast.


We all make them. From putting our foot in our mouth to dating someone completely wrong for us, mistakes make us who we are. We learn more from what we do wrong than what we do right, so embrace your shortcomings!


With mistakes come critiques, so don’t be afraid to stand tall and take them. Looking at yourself through the eyes of others helps you become a stronger person. This doesn’t mean you have to allow people who are looking to hurt you to do so. Instead, take what they say and separate the critique from the garbage. You’ll feel stronger than ever when you do.


Beauty is all around us. From the people in our lives to art and nature. There are many definitions of beautiful and all of them are wonderful. Think about how boring things would get if nothing ever caught our eye as extraordinary?


We don’t always love our bodies, but they’re all incredibly beautiful in their own way. You should be thankful for the body you have because it makes you who you are. It brings strengths to your life while also helping you work around your weaknesses. We should take time each day to treat our body with respect rather than bringing ourselves down.


Laughing is such an amazing part of being alive. Having a laugh a day can make you so much happier, but it’s also known to improve your health! The power of laughter can be sought out anywhere too, which makes getting a quick burst of happiness a breeze.


L’amour! Who could live without it? Even when we’re feeling heartbroken, love helps lift us up and gets us back on track. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about a romantic love or how much you love your best friend, making emotional connections makes life amazing!


They changed your diapers, made sure you did your homework and every now and then they give you some priceless advice. Who am I kidding? You’d be nowhere without the person or people who brought you up in this world. Even if you don’t always see eye to eye, you wouldn’t exist without them.

At least he has a handkerchief!

Dog’s love fetching, especially when there’s mud involved!


They’re man’s best friend for so many reasons. Even if you don’t live with one yourself, dogs make our lives fun and filled with unconditional love. They protect us, play with us and slobber on us when we’re feeling down. They even help out differently abled people thanks to their intelligence and love of their companions.


You may feel pretty small at times, but you’re still here in this crazy thing we call life. You’ve made a difference, even if you don’t believe it. So, take a moment and be thankful that you’re here. It doesn’t matter if you’re feeling on top of the world or like you should have your head in the sand somewhere because you’re alive and there’s nothing better to celebrate.

So there you have it, my list of things to be thankful for this weekend and all year round. Not complete by any means. What did I miss? Tell me about what you are grateful for in the comments below or on Facebook. And whatever you’ll be eating this holiday, enjoy the good food and time spent with the important people in your life!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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