Ready to Propose | How to Know When You’re Ready

Everyone goes through the whole engagement debate, but when does the question become a reality? Here’s a few ways to know you’re ready to propose.

When it comes to taking a knee and asking your special someone to marry you, it may take a lot of thought. This, in no way, means your partner’s not the one. In fact, if you’re thinking about marriage, especially if it’s on your own terms, then you may be ready. Here are a few simple hints that come to mind that will help you know you’re ready to tie the knot.

Best Friends Forever

It may seem a little cheesy, but if your partner feels like your best friend, then you’ve got something good going on. Of course you can still have another best friend that you don’t want to marry, but if you feel that way about your S.O. too, it’s a sign that you may be ready to take that big leap to spending the rest of your life with someone. You want the person you’re going to marry to be a friend because, after all, this is the person that’s going to have your back!

Financially Savvy

So, by no means do we all have it together, but if you’re starting to become more of an adult with your finances, then you may be easing into the married life stage. You may not even notice it’s happening though. You could find yourself taking your lunch to work so you can save up to buy your first home, or you may even have a little nest egg for a ring you saw online that you’ll know she’s going to love. Of course, once again, this stage requires two to tango. Have you and your partner sat down and had the finances talk already? Know about one another’s debt and you have plans so you’re not drowning in it if you do get married.

Simmer Down, Now

Another great way to know you’re ready to ask is you’ve calmed down. Suddenly, going to the club isn’t on your agenda. You may prefer to stay in and stream old TV shows together, rather than binge drinking with your buddies. You may also have the feeling you’re ready to be tied down. Home life might be more appealing and work might not seem like a place that just earns you some extra cash for partying and this month’s newest phone.

Family Approved

You may think it’s a little old fashioned, but it might be a good idea to have a chat with their parents. I don’t think it has to be a question, but you want to enter into a marriage with your in-laws’ good graces backing you. It’s no fun starting a new life and having tension tear you down every single holiday get together.

All Aboard!

One of the biggest things you can hope for is that your partner is onboard with your hopes and dreams. By this point you should have both laid out goals that you want to achieve. If you’re both on the same page then you’re good to go. You’ll need the support to make your life amazing together. However, if you’re dreams are on opposite sides of the world, then sticking a ring on a finger is probably not going to make that issue blow away.

Getting to I DO!

Okay, so who wants to propose to someone when you’re not sure if the person is going to give you the cold shoulder or pierce your eardrums with happy squeals? Sure, surprise is great and all, but it’s nice to have some idea that you’re not going to be going home with your tail between your legs. So it may be time, when your partner starts dropping hints or the two of you openly talk about marriage.

You Just Know

Sometimes, something just tells you it’s time. It’s hard to say who or what this is, but when you meet the right person sometimes you just know. You can call it fate, instincts or a gut feeling, but when you get that inkling, there’s a pretty good chance you’re ready to pick up the ring and take a knee.

There are lots of ways to know you’re ready to propose, but these are some of the more common reasons I’ve gathered from friends, family and my own experience. Chances are though, if you’re reading this blog you’re probably already thinking of asking someone special. Good luck!

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